inside art therapy

Putting art therapy ramblings to paper…

Dot Point Diva – Email at it’s most effective September 15, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — insidearttherapy @ 4:06 pm

This post is about one tiny aspect of self-care. It is about measuring and dealing with the day to day stressors that can add up and weigh us down. Today’s target: Email.

I am so over the huge time demand that workplace emails have brought into my life.  Typing is easier than writing, it’s easier than making a phone call. Relating a concept or a discussion that has been had with another person is now as easy as hitting the forward button.  And if I think a person is even vaguely interested, I can forward it ‘just in case’. I can send information and then be assured “I told them so”.  I can give them lots of information so that they don’t email me back with a long winded email with lots of questions! For the ‘speaker’ email has simplified our lives enormously. But what of the ‘listener’?

Because email is so easy, as the speaker we tend to over inform the listener. In an email we give the listener every last detail, and all too often in long drawn-out paragraphs that may, in fact, be more of a purging or cathartic missive, rather than an action plan, with only a few relevant points for the listener.

I aim to begin a revolution.  I aim to cut the ramblings and bless my listeners with dot point emails. Nothing more.  I aim to save my ramblings for my blog, (for when people have a choice to read it and usually the time!), and to cut to the point with my emails.

I plan on being the DOT POINT DIVA and I hope I can inspire you too.  Keep it simple and to the point. If we need to have a conversation, I’ll phone you. And if I still feel like I need to tell you my personal unresolved angst regarding some issue,  I’ll see an art therapist, paint a picture and get over it!


2 Responses to “Dot Point Diva – Email at it’s most effective”

  1. Robert Needs Says:


    Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 06:36:34 +0000 To:

  2. Narelle Smith Says:

    Hey Glenda

    Haven’t heard from you in quite a while.

    How is your art therapy going, and the book?

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