inside art therapy

Putting art therapy ramblings to paper…

Passion or ‘Pop’? March 28, 2012

Filed under: Art Therapy,Creativity,Glenda Needs — insidearttherapy @ 9:23 pm

I am in need of just one more check of the final editing fixes, and the book Art Therapy: Foundation and Form is ready for printing.  I am hoping in just two more weeks to have a few copies in the boot of my car.  I’m afraid I have been working far too hard over the past few weeks, teaching art therapy to many new students,  and this has left me little time for the things I love to do in my non-work time.  I’ve felt ready to pop.  Some of the frantic-ness, of course, has been self-inflicted. Like the time I invited the renowned Sitar and Tabla Player, Sandip Burman and his manager John, to stay with us, on my precious day off.  Sandip is doing a whirlwind world tour (well, New Zealand, 3 states in Australia, Singapore, and  Calcutta that I know of) and this is his bread and butter, as well as the bread and butter for his management team.   Wow, what a lovely experience it was to have the sounds of strings drifting through our home as I cooked dinner, and answered my emails.  Sandip is passionate about his art form, music, and he truly seemed to become one with the sitar as he played.   This begs the question, are we overworking ourselves when we are doing something we truly love, even if it is considered our ‘job’?  If we are passionate about our work, there is a temptation to blur the lines between leisure and a dogged pursuit of professional excellence.  How do we define those boundaries and practice appropriate self care under these circumstances?  I suspect the wisest measure is balance. Many things in life are delightful, the sun on your face, a beautiful wine, a sleep in. In excess however, all of these and many more are dangerous for us.  Even the great things we do for others can be self harming when done in excess.  It is up to you to decide where to draw the line between following your passion, and the point of ‘pop’!

Sandip and John were delightful guests and we are really hoping they pay us a visit during next year’s trip to Australia.  Thanks guys!


6 Responses to “Passion or ‘Pop’?”

  1. Cindy Says:

    Looking forward to reading your opus soon- very exciting!

  2. Kelly Says:

    The world of professional work seems often that way, the `big city’ rush. I sometimes wonder where this fits in with one’s own sense in the importance of being creatively authentic and creating a balance for yourself, so thanks for your thoughtful words on the matter. I hope sometime soon the opportunity arises for you to be able to do this……

  3. Narelle Smith Says:

    Hi Glenda

    Nice title for this post.

    Also a great title for the book. Are you self-publishing?

    I feel like I’m ready to pop too, and am looking forward to slowing things down over the school holidays.

    • Hi Narelle, Thanks for your comments! I am indeed self publishing but have found myself somewhat pursued by a publisher, but I am a bit daunted by it all and navigating the legalities. I will self publish a stack up front so that I have enough for students and others who are eager to get a copy, and then I’ll pause and consider my future options. I am going camping over Easter. I do hope you get a good rest too, despite that constant niggling of all we ‘ought’ to be doing! Cheers, Glenda

  4. chrysza Says:

    Wow Glenda, how amazing to see that you are doing what you said you would, three years ago at the beach when we said goodbye, when took off to the Netherlands. Can’t wait to read your book!
    I am back in Australia and would love to catch up. Maybe you could send me a message, ’cause I only have your old work e-mail address.
    Cheers, Chris Zylicz

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